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Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG

Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG lens
Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG lens

풀프레임 이미지 크기

APS-C 사이즈 이미지를 생성하는 렌즈는 디지털 전용입니다. APS-C 포맷보다 큰 이미지 센서가 달린 카메라에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. 필름 카메라도 사용할 수 없습니다.


초음파 AF 없음

초음파 AF는 기존의 AF에 비해 보다 조용하고 빠릅니다.


No stepping motor AF

Lenses with stepping motor focusing mechanism are better for contrast based focusing, and are quiter and faster than traditionally focusing lenses.



저분산은 색수차 현상이 덜합니다.


손떨림보정 없음

손떨림보정기능은 초점거리가 높을때나 조도가 낮은 곳에서 사진을 찍을때 나타나는 이미지 흔들림을 완화시켜 줍니다. 규격에 따라 1, 2, 3 단계의 강도를 설정할 수 있습니다.


금속 마운트

저가형 렌즈는 보통 마운트가 플라스틱으로 되어 있습니다. 고급 렌즈는 금속인 경우가 많습니다. 일반적으로 금속 마운트의 경우 내구 성이 높아 자주 렌즈를 교체하시는 분들에게 좋습니다. 보통 렌즈를 하나만 사용하는 경우라면 마운트의 재질은 별로 중요하지 않습니다.


내부 초점

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전방 렌즈가 고정되어 있습니다.

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드랍인 필터 지원 안됨

드랍인 필터는 전방렌즈가 너무 크거나, FOV로 인해 렌즈 앞에 기존 필터를 장착하기 힘든 경우에 사용합니다. 일반적으로 밝은 망원 렌즈와 초광각 렌즈에 쓰입니다.

Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 스펙

사용가능한 마운트 Canon EF, Nikon F, Pentax K, Sony / Minolta A, Sigma
용도 포트레이트, 자연
카테고리 망원 줌
손떨림보정 X
초점 거리 170 - 500 mm (2.9× 줌)
렌즈 배치 11군 13매
화각 35mm: 14.5-5°
디지털: 8.4-2.9°
날 갯수 9
최대 노출 광각: f/5 망원: f/6.3
최소 노출 광각: f/32 망원: 알 수 없음
최단 초점 거리 300 cm
확대 0.17×
필터 사이즈 86 mm
크기 ∅ 92.5 × 232 mm
무게 1345 g
AF 속도 알 수 없음
AF 사운드
내부 초점 O
내장 줌 알 수 없음
고정전방렌즈 O
마운트 종류 금속
웨더 씰드 알 수 없음
드랍인 필터(Drop-In filter) X
초음파 AF X
Stepping motor AF X
APS-C 크기 서클 X
저분산 O
하드 케이스 알 수 없음
소프트 케이스 알 수 없음
렌즈 후드 LH925-01
이미지 인쇄 가능
삼각대 어댑터 알 수 없음
불연속 O
Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 스펙

Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 리뷰

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Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 와 관련된 뉴스

Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 소유자 리뷰

Amazon으로부터의 가장 유용한 소유자 리뷰

Excellent Tele Zoom for the money

2006. April 14.

After reading many mixed reviews on the web, I wasn't too sure about the picture quality when I received it. But it turns out to be an excellent big zoom for the money. I have no other 500mm lenses for comparison. But the pictures I took in dark night outdoor (tripod) and some indoor shots (hand held with flash) on Canon Rebel XT turned out to be really sharp, comparing to shots I took with Canon 50mm/f1.4, Sigma 10-20mm, or Canon 70-200L/f4 under very similar conditions. Color is balanced and contrasty and details are superb! The weight is very reasonable. The collar is excellent. The AF works beautifully indoor in regular household light. Very fast and quiet, unlike anything I've read on the web ("noisy, slow, hunting"). In fact, my other two above mentioned Canon lenses seem to hunt more sometimes under the similar condition. This lens doesn't have zoom lock, so it does creep if not careful. But for about $500 less than the Bigma and tons less than similar Canon's, it's a very small price to pay indeed. The focus ring is kinda loose, but so is the Canon 50/f1.4. My Canon L and Sigma EX don't have this problem. You get what you paid for. The lens hood feels plastic, but reasonable. The collar is very solid and smooth. The carrying bag that comes with the lens is of reasonable quality but looks like it's not for serious outdoor abuse. As a amateur enthusiast, I am totally happy with it. 5 stars for the value/price ratio. I am waiting for my $80 Quantaray 2x Teleconverter to arrive to try it on this Sigma. Maybe this time I am really pushing my luck :) If you are on a budget and looking for a 500mm, This Sigma definitely worthes a closer look. Highly recommended.

Update: Nov 22, 2006:
I've been using this lens for little less than a year now. I still stand by my words above. Only the 2x converter is really pushing it - killed the AF and got a big drop in sharpness. Happy shooting!

Can't afford the Bigma? Buy this!

2006. August 03.

Much has been written praising the Sigma 50-500mm zoom lens, often called the "Bigma." This lens is clearly its equal in everything but zoom range. I was very surprised when I purchased mine, used, and discovered that its sharpness was much better than I expected, and its autofocus speed every bit fast enough for challenging subjects like sports. The price I paid for this under-rated lens was about a third the price of a new Bigma, so I am extremely pleased with the bargain I got.

My only beef with this lens is the "zoom creep" that results when you tilt the camera/lens downwards. The smooth zooming action apparently results in zooming even when you don't want it to.

If you need a 500mm top end, and can live with a 170mm minimum zoom, this lens may be what you need. In my case, the 50mm short end of the Bigma wasn't wide enough, so I am happier with my 170mm-500mm zoom and a companion 18mm-200mm lens that together cover the full range I need.

This lens is available in a variety of mounts, including the Canon mount listed here, as well as fittings for Minolta and Nikon (my own choice.)

A great lens for the price.

2007. July 09.

This is an extremely versatile lens capable of handling many different shooting situations. I have been using this lens for a couple years now and my only complaint is that there is no zoom lock so in between shots where the lens is pointed up at a fairly steep angle you will need to make sure that the zoom is still in it's intended position. I'ts not exactly a walk around lens because of it's size and weight. It is a good lens to have for shooting wild life or taking photos of the moon. I compared it to the Tokina 400mm lens. This lens was far superior to the Tokina. and as good as the Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM Super Telephoto Lens. The only advantage is that the Canon had zoom lock.

This lens takes amazing photos. I am very happy with the quality of photos that I get, great color, sharpness and contrast. It comes with a tripod coller, a great carrying case and a hood.

I am very happy with this lens.

Great Performer

2007. March 12.

I own two lenses from Sigma, and I love them both. This ultra telephoto lens is possibly the best bang for your buck in the focal its focal range. If there is a better one in its class I've yet to see it. Manual Focus ring is well placed, easy access, we all like that, right? Sharpness has not been an issue for me at all; you will need a tripod in most situation, but you should be using one all the time, shame on you if you don't! jk, The only gripe I have with this lens is that it does not feature a "zoom lock" as this is a fairly heavy lens, creep can be an issue if you are carrying it around and not shoot. I highly recommend this lens. 5 stars no questions asked.

Great for sports

2007. November 04.

I bought this lens to shoot pictures of my son's football games. It has been fantastic and very clear. Lens creep is an issue but not one that has really bothered me. The price on Amazon was great as I had priced it in NYC and most retailers wanted twice as much if not more.


2007. April 10.


Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 샘플 사진

Sigma 170-500mm f/5-6.3 APO DG 액세서리

86 mm 필터

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