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Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE lens

풀프레임 이미지 크기

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초음파 AF 없음

초음파 AF는 기존의 AF에 비해 보다 조용하고 빠릅니다.


No stepping motor AF

Lenses with stepping motor focusing mechanism are better for contrast based focusing, and are quiter and faster than traditionally focusing lenses.



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손떨림보정 없음

손떨림보정기능은 초점거리가 높을때나 조도가 낮은 곳에서 사진을 찍을때 나타나는 이미지 흔들림을 완화시켜 줍니다. 규격에 따라 1, 2, 3 단계의 강도를 설정할 수 있습니다.


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Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 스펙

사용가능한 마운트 Canon EF, Nikon F, Pentax K, Sony / Minolta A, Sigma
용도 클로즈 업, 풍경, 특수효과
카테고리 어안, 울트라 와이드 프라임
손떨림보정 X
초점 거리 15 mm (프라임)
렌즈 배치 6군 7매
화각 35mm: 180°
디지털: 98°
날 갯수 7
최대 노출 f/2.8
최소 노출 f/22
최단 초점 거리 15 cm
확대 0.33×
필터 사이즈 알 수 없음
크기 ∅ 73.5 × 65 mm
무게 370 g
AF 속도 알 수 없음
AF 사운드
내부 초점 X
내장 줌 알 수 없음
고정전방렌즈 O
마운트 종류 금속
웨더 씰드 알 수 없음
드랍인 필터(Drop-In filter) O
초음파 AF X
Stepping motor AF X
APS-C 크기 서클 X
저분산 X
하드 케이스 알 수 없음
소프트 케이스 알 수 없음
렌즈 후드 알 수 없음
삼각대 어댑터 알 수 없음
Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 스펙

Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 리뷰

Other reviews

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Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 와 관련된 뉴스

Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 소유자 리뷰

Amazon으로부터의 가장 유용한 소유자 리뷰

It's actually a very good lens!

2007. May 06.

Hi, I just wanted to give this lens a fair review. As the other reviewer mentioned, if you use it with an APS-C sensor digital slr, you won't see a whole lot of distortion. It's no different from the Canon brand fisheye on a camera like that. But, if you use it with film, or with a larger sensor size camera, full-frame if possible, it's really quite a beautiful, sharp, and very fish-eyed lens. On a Canon 5D it performed really well for me. I just wanted to say that on the right camera, it's really quite a lens.

Use your brain and the right camera

2007. July 05.

This is an excellent lens that does exactly what it's supposed to do. Optically, it's also excellent. You need to think seriously about whether you know what you're doing or anything about photography if you buy this for a Canon digital camera that's less than full frame.

You should probably stick to point and shoots until you understand lens conversion factors. If you don't understand digital crop factors and can't read basic specs, you either need to hold your money or find a dealer that you can trust to explain it to you. But the manufacturer shouldn't be accused of making a bad product because you don't understand the specs.

A previous user gives a poor rating because he either didn't read or understand the lens specifications. The rating was retain while most of the review was deleted because it simply didn't make sense. If you tried to use a 8x10 wide angle lens on a digital slr camera, you'd end up with a super telephoto because you're only using a portion of the image circle. Someone who calls this lens worthless because he bought first and thought later is blaming Sigma for his lack of attention to the laws of optics and of physics.

When you buy lenses for digital cameras, you have to take your brains out of your boots. This is a fisheye lens that's excellent on digital cameras, You get the full fisheye effect on a full frame digital camera --- OR at full 35 mm. You don't get the same effect on most DSLRS. When Panasonic Lumix claims 28mm lens width in its new line, it's not serious, but is referring to the apparent focal length when compared to 35mm film.

The lens can be used on cameras like the 20D or 30D which have a 1.6x crop factor. The news high speed top End EOS 1D Mark III will also have a crop factor of 1.3 while the 1ds and 5D are both full frame and will take full advantage of the 180 degree (on the diagonal) that this lens and other fisheyes offer. This lens is very good close to the optical quality of the Canon fisheye -- I've used both. But the game here is the intentional distortion on full frame. A standard wide-angle of this focal length does not cover 180, but something around 112 degrees -- on full frame.

If you want an equivalent of the 16-35 used a 5D on your 30d, you need to buy the 10-22. Both are rectilinear, corrected for distortion. Even the high end 1D doesn't get flll benefit of the fisheye due to crop factor. There are optical gimmicks if you want the effect, but that's not appropriate here.

The build quality of this lens is very good, not quite up to the level of the top drawer (and expensive) L lenses, but it is equal to Canon lenses for about the same price. It's difficult to use filters on this lens-- it isn't designed for them and filters would be makeshift -- and that big front element is vulnerable as with all of the real fisheyes. There are a couple of quirks that take a little getting used to in the controls for a regular Canon user.But I find it a little tricky going back to Leicas after too much time away -- and their controls vary with product. The images are high quality and a reasonably skilled photographer can produce excellent work with this lens without relyin entirely on fisheye cliches.

Users of digital cameras with crop factors should consider the shortest focal length fisheye lenses, approx 8 millimenters which also producs a 180 degree image, but in a circle. While I don't get the circular image on the 20D that I do the 5D it does give a lot of the distortion and on the diagonal approaches 180 with the rectagular image. I haven't measure it and don't have a reason.

The Sigma in a custom mount might produce interesting circular images on medium format film or digital sensors, but that would involve a careful matching of the mount to focal plane location. It is usually a waste of money to buy high end full frame lenses in shorter focal lengths for smaller digital sensors. You're paying for a lot of glass designed to cover a larger frame.


2007. April 22.

If you are trying to use this product with a dslr like I was, dont expect to see distortion. For the price go with an 8mm fish.

Incredible Lens

2007. August 12.

This lens is really incredible... The quality has always been great with Sigma and this lens is as great as Sigma's reputation...
If you plan to use this lens with a Digital Camera, do not forget that there is a x1.2 coefficient (this lens is a 15mm but used on a Digital Camera, it turns into a 18 or 20mm). If you want the effect of a fisheye (180degrees), consider buying a shorter lens (8mm).
The 15mm fisheye from Sigma is a great super wide angle if used on a digital camera...

Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 샘플 사진

Sigma 15mm f/2.8 EX DG DIAGONAL FISHEYE 액세서리

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